This year with all that is going on in the world, ESKFF looked to find some happiness to spread. Thus, being our first year ever, we have decided to initiate a program that will extend love through art this year and those to come.
ESKFF's Artist of the Year is dedicated to a past resident showing devotion, triumph and pure joy in what came out of their residency here.
We are happy to announce 2020's Artist of the Year,
Arthur Kwon Lee!
Image courtesy of the artist
Arthur came to us from a dear friend, Esther Goodhart whom sadly passed away back in 2018. Though her memory and laughter lives on through Arthur and we can only imagine the pride she feels for him and his accomplishments.
After his residency, Arthur was able to establish a studio space of his own and made key connections along the way that pushed his career to a new level. One major achievement to highlight during these unprecedented times was the adaption to his solo exhibition, HERMITAGE, at Filo Sofi Arts, New York, NY. The show emerged into an intellectual virtual narrative between Arthur; Filo Sofi Arts' owner, Gabrielle Aruta; and Donovan Irven, PhD, curator and director of philosophical praxis. The conversation was in-depth yet casual on the stories and symbolism embedded throughout the body of his paintings.
These vibrant and inspiring works stay with us as he grows and we look forward to hearing all the future endeavors Arthur has in store for his career.