Fabio Esteban
Fabio Esteban Amador is an archaeologist and visual artist originally from El Salvador. Studied art at the School of Visual Arts and The Art Student League of New York. Fabio Esteban utilizes photography as an inspiration to his multimedia work that focuses on cultural themes such as transmigration, materiality of culture, sacred landscapes and modern mythology. His latest work includes three plywood paintings created in SoHo during the BLM movement in NYC. One of these murals was featured in the New York Responds exhibit at the Museum of the City of New York (2020-2021). In the past two years he has created a series titled “The Fall of New Rome”, that includes collage, painting, watercolor and sculpture. These works have been exhibited at Haus (2021) in Hoboken NJ, at the Art Students League Concourse Exhibit (2020) and at the MANNMADE MEXICO Gallery in Puerto Vallarta (2019). Fabio Esteban’s work begins with analog and digital photography and often uses alternative printing methods, mix-media, collage, sculpture, painting and muralism in creating visual narratives.

Guillermo Bublik
I grew up in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and came to the U.S.A. to pursue a graduate degree in Physics. Isaw beauty in the symmetrical arrangement of Maxwell’s equations of electro-magnetism and in Einstein’s General Relativity formulation to describe gravitation. I found it fascinating that a set of equations could describe real life processes.
I am awed by every form of human ingenuity. Witnessing what is made possible by the spark of creativity makes me feel blessed to have been born. I have always been especially attracted to the visual arts, to works that deliver strong emotions all at once, whether it takes a few seconds or a lifetime for a full digestion of their message.
I believe that a unified source of scientific, technical, and artistic creativity lies in the thirst to find underlying patterns, forms, structures, and beauty in the world we inhabit.
I retired from a long technical career in late 2018 and started painting right away. Even though this path was serendipitous, it now feels very logical, as it provides a way to continue to tend to this thirst.
I am thrilled that painting provides him a vehicle to connect with other people on both an emotional and an intellectual level.
After living in Chicago for 31 years, my wife and I have recently moved to Jersey City. I am very excited to have joined the vibrant art scene in Northern New Jersey.

Annette Werndl

1956 Born in Deggendorf, Germany
1966 - 1969 Boarding school Kloster Seligenthal, Landshut
1978 High school diploma in Deggendorf
1981 Diploma in Interior design, Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences
1982 Travel in the United States, Mexico and Canada
From 1983 Planning work, interior design for private and business clients in Germany and abroad
From 1996 In addition to professional work, seminars and courses - in painting at art academies
and at the Academy of Fine Arts at the Alte Spinnerei, Kolbermoor
Master class with Professor Jerry Zeniuk
Master class with Professor Hermann Nitsch
2013 - 2014 Planning and realization of the Academy of Fine Arts at the Alte Spinnerei in
2022 April - June residency at Mana Contemporary in Jersey City, NJ, USA
Lives and works in Rosenheim, Germany and Miami, USA

Claudia Hassel
Claudia Hassel lives and works in Grafrath, Bavaria, Germany.
After graduating with a degree in graphic arts and design, she studied color painting with
Prof. Jerry Zeniuk at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kolbermoor. Her preferred medium is oil
painting. Her abstract works are based on a special, sensitive variety, clear and
unadulterated. Her color painting is neither monochrome nor action painting, but
independent and goal-oriented in itself. The color alone determines the space. Each hue
lives out of itself and in the overall view results in a newly composed world.
Her work has been shown in numerous public institutions, including Haus 10
Fürstenfeldbruck, Pasinger Fabrik, Munich, Glaspalast Augsburg, Gallery 313, New Jersey and
City Gallery Jinan City, China.
She is represented in numerous private and public collections as well as by national and
international collectors in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Jersey City, Shanghai, Jinan City and Beijing.
In addition to the BBK Schwaben-Nord und Augsburg e. V., she is a member of the artists'
association FFB e.V., where she also holds the office of 1st chairwoman.


Pacorrosa is a prolific Spanish artist based in London. He has over 25 years of experience and specializes in large scale artworks and projects. During his career, Pacorrosa has developed different methods in creating and exhibiting art. He uses art as a means to acquiring new knowledge in several fields where creativity is essential. Although his primary medium is painting, he worked in several other media and formats, such as video art and landscape art, like his project Sketch for a Satellite. One of his main objectives is to extend the agency of art in the public discourse through creating artworks in public spaces.